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XMOD NewsRSS Released

Kryptronic has released a new extension module (XMOD) for it’s popular ClickCartPro and EuropaCart shopping cart software. This new module is available for versions 7.0.0 and higher.

The NewsRSS XMOD is a module that provides a full blown news publishing service using the content management system in our software.

How does it work?

Search engine placement can be determined by the freshness of your content. With the NewsRSS module, your content can always be fresh.

News articles can be published to an article list, skin widget and/or RSS feed. Additionally, recently updated HTML pages, store products and categories may be included in the article list, skin widget and/or RSS feed.

Works perfectly with the SiteMap and HDSEO extension modules. Use as a news service, a way to broadcast store product updates, or both.

Click here for full documentation on NewsRSS

Where do I get NewsRSS?

You can purchase NewsRSS for your software license by visiting the page below. NewsRSS for ClickCartPro and EuropaCart is currently being offered for $49, and it’s available only through Kryptronic.

Click here to purchase the NewsRSS extension module

Learn more about XMODs

Kryptronic: Security. Stability. Reliability