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Site Doctor: Configuring Google Checkout

ClickCartPro and EuropaCart have Google Checkout functionality built-in.

The Google Checkout integration used by this software is highly advanced and uses callbacks from Google to calculate taxes, discounts and shipping in order to accurately calculate order totals. With this integration, the only checkout functionality that is present in the base software checkout, that is disabled during Google Checkout are the custom sale and custom surcharge functions. This integration supports realtime calculations between the software and Google using all shipping methods (Realtime, Product-Based, Custom, Zone-Based, Not Shipped) available, all tax systems (Standard and EU VAT) available, and fully supports discount codes.

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to set up Google Checkout in the software.

1 Install ClickCartPro 7 or EuropaCart 7. Be sure to indicate a valid SSL (https) URL for your secure URL during the installation. Google Checkout requires an SSL URL for callbacks.

2 Get a Google Checkout account at After your account is set up, login to it. Under the My Account section, take a look in the My Products section. There you will see an option for Checkout. Access that option. This brings you to Google’s Checkout Admin Panel.

3 At the top of the Google’s Checkout Admin Panel there are tabs at the top. Select the Settings tab.

4 Within the Settings tab, access the Tax Setup section. As the software calculates taxes using callbacks, it is best not to have any information loaded in the tax setup table. If there are entires there from a previous shopping cart software installation, we recommend deleting those entries.

5 Within the Settings tab, access the Shipping Setup section. As the software calculates shipping charges using callbacks, it is best not to have any information loaded in the shipping methods table. If there are entries there from a previous shopping cart software installation, we recommend deleting those entries.

6 Within the Settings tab, access the Integration section. There, copy your Google Merchant ID and Google Merchant Key. You will need them later.

– Check the box next to ‘My company will only post digitally signed carts.’.

– Enter the SSL (https) URL that points to the /utilities/googleco.php file in your ClickCartPro 7 or EuropaCart 7 installation. Access that file with a browser to make sure you enter a valid SSL (https) URL. If you get a message stating ‘The request received by the Google Checkout webservice was empty.’ when you access that URL, you’ve got the right one. The URL will look something like:

– For the ‘Callback contents’ section, choose the ‘Notification as XML’ selection.

– For the ‘API Version’ section, choose ‘Version 2.5’ and leave the box under ‘Notification Filtering’ unchecked when it appears.

7 Make sure all of your changes are saved in your Google Checkout account then logout of the Google’s Checkout Admin Panel and login to your ClickCartPro 7 or EuropaCart 7 Management Interface.

8 Access the Store | Component | Settings | Google Checkout Settings | Google Checkout Settings function in the Management Interface. There you will see several values:

Activate Google Checkout – Select true to enable Google Checkout, and false to deactivate it. Enabling Google Checkout will present Google Checkout buttons, in addition to regular checkout buttons, within the online store.

Allow Discounts Codes in Google Checkout – Select true to allow Google Checkout to accept discount codes, and false to suppress them. Enabling discount codes in Google Checkout will present a coupon entry box within Google Checkout for discount code entry.

Google Checkout API URL – Enter the URL to which Google Checkout API requests should be submitted. Both production and sandbox URLs are allowed here. Do not modify this URL unless you have been instructed to. Your merchant ID will be appended to this URL automatically by this software. To use the Google Sandbox, replace ‘’ with ‘’. The default is:

Google Checkout Button Language – Select the language to use for the Google Checkout button. Options for en_US and en_GB are available.

Google Checkout Button Size – Select the size of the Google Checkout button you would like to use. The sizes shown are in pixels.

Google Checkout Button Style – Select the style of the Google Checkout button you would like to use. The styles shown change the background color of the button.

Google Checkout Button URL Non-SSL – Enter the URL to use for the Google Checkout Button on Non-SSL pages. Both production and sandbox URLs are allowed here. Do not modify this URL unless you have been instructed to. Your merchant ID will be appended to this URL automatically by this software. To use the Google Sandbox, replace ‘’ with ‘’. The default is:

Google Checkout Button URL Non-SSL – Enter the URL to use for the Google Checkout Button on Non-SSL pages. Both production and sandbox URLs are allowed here. Do not modify this URL unless you have been instructed to. Your merchant ID will be appended to this URL automatically by this software. To use the Google Sandbox, replace ‘’ with ‘’. The default is:

Merchant Calculated Shipping Display Name – Enter the display name to use for the shipping option presented in Google Checkout. During Google Checkout, the lowest calculated shipping costs are used to determine the order shipping cost.

Merchant ID – Enter your Google Merchant ID. To locate your ID, login to your Google Checkout account and access the Integration section under the Settings menu.

Merchant Key – Enter your Google Merchant Key. To locate your key, login to your Google Checkout account and access the Integration section under the Settings menu.

9 Make sure all of your changes are saved in the Store | Component | Settings | Google Checkout Settings | Google Checkout Settings// function in the Management Interface.

You’re now ready to use Google Checkout.

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