Kryptronic Info Center

The Info Center has articles on everything you need to get your site up and running with Kryptronic software. Hundreds of articles are available which contain tips, tricks, software updates and release notes, and everything you ever wanted to know about eCommerce, but were afraid to ask...


Responsive eCommerce News, How-Tos, Updates by Kryptronic Software - Page 5

Kryptronic V9 Release Schedule Set

The following release schedule has been set for the new, highly-anticipated, Kryptronic V9 software package. This all-new and all-different ecommerce software by Kryptronic has been under development for nearly three years, and during that timeframe we built software that can take your business into the future.

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Using Google Gmail as a Kryptronic Webmail Client (Updated Nov. 2018)

Configuring your Google Gmail account to access your Kryptronic Managed Hosting email account(s) has never been easier. Google Gmail is a great webmail program, and can be used to access your Kryptronic Managed Hosting email account(s) from anywhere, using a standard web browser.

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Using Microsoft Outlook with Kryptronic Managed Hosting

Kryptronic Managed Hosting uses only secure connectivity for all mail communications within our system.  The following tutorial will help you quickly and easily set up Microsoft Outlook (2007-up) with your Kryptronic Mail account.  Each mail account has a Send Mail (SMTP) and a Receive Mail (POP). Both send and receive will require different ports and there are also IMAP settings which allow you to share your mail over various devices.

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Using Mozilla Thunderbird With Kryptronic Managed Hosting Mail

Kryptronic Managed Hosting uses only secure connectivity for all mail communications within our system. The following tutorial will help you quickly and easily set up Mozilla Thunderbird with your Kryptronic Mail account. Each mail account has a Send Mail (SMTP) and a Receive Mail (POP). Both send and receive will require different ports and there are also IMAP settings which allow you to share your mail over various devices.

Continue reading “Using Mozilla Thunderbird With Kryptronic Managed Hosting Mail” »

Holiday Greetings From Your Friends At Kryptronic

Just wanted to take a second to thank you for another great year(our 17th)! This is the time of year when you pause to count your blessings. We realize how truly blessed we are to work with great people such as yourselves. We appreciate your business, but we also enjoy the time we spend with all of our customers throughout the year.

From our family here at Kryptronic to you and yours… have a great Holiday season and we look forward to a great 2016!

Your Friends at Kryptronic

Kryptronic: Security. Stability. Reliability