Kryptronic Info Center

The Info Center has articles on everything you need to get your site up and running with Kryptronic software. Hundreds of articles are available which contain tips, tricks, software updates and release notes, and everything you ever wanted to know about eCommerce, but were afraid to ask...


Tagged: eCommerce Software Support - Page 4

Mobile eCommerce Part 2: The Reckoning is Here

This 3-part series focuses on the movement of Internet users to Mobile platforms and the steps necessary to remain at the top of the heap. T minus 1 day and counting until Google begins is culling of sites considered to be “not mobile friendly”. If you’ve taken our advice, you are now sitting safely at software version 8.0.9, and are passing Google’s mobile friendliness test with flying colors (If not, Read Part 1). What else can you do to ensure the best mobile performance for your eCommerce website?

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Configuring Mail for Your eCommerce Site the Right Way

Whoever thought that something as simple as mail could become so complex? Spammers, hackers and other folks that seem to be bent on wreaking havoc on the rest of us have now forced hosts all over the world to implement larger and more complex layers of security to protect themselves and their customers. What does that mean to you and your store?

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Being King Of The Mountain, or How to Own Google in 5 Easy Steps

So, now you have a beautiful new shopping cart from Kryptronic, you have your products in the system, your categories are smokin’ and your site just shines. Now you want the world to see it! Are you using the promotional tools you have to their fullest? This is how to be king of the mountain (or how to own Google) in five easy steps…

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Google SSL Rankings Boost and Your eCommerce Site

We’re sure you’ve heard by now that Google has announced that going HTTPS by adding a SSL 2048-bit key certificate on your site will give you a minor ranking boost. What does this mean for your site? Should you switch over to using full SSL? Can Kryptronic software handle this properly?

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Fresh Eyes Site Analysis Service FAQs

We have been overwhelmed with questions about our new Fresh Eyes program. Thought it might be prudent to include some of the most commonly asked questions and answers…

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Kryptronic: Security. Stability. Reliability